President & Founder
Albert J. Williams III, PhD. is a Physicist and Scientist Emeritus and former chair for the Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Dr. Williams is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and Chair of the Current Meter Measurement Committee. In addition, Dr. Williams is a member of the American Geophysical Union, The Oceanography Society, and the American Meteorological Society. Dr. Williams is the Co-Chief Editor for the Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology and the Associate Editor and Founder of the Journal of Environmental Engineering.
As Senior Scientist, Dr. Williams Chaired the Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and currently serves and Chair for the Engineering Council.
Dr. Williams research interests include ocean microstructure, mixing and thermohaline convection; benthic boundary layer flows and sediment transport; surface shear and the wave boundary layer; acoustic and optical sensors; microprocessor based instrumentation, in-situ data processing and recording, data telemetry. Author or co-author of 65 publications, including papers in the fields of electron spectroscopy, ocean microstructure, oceanographic instrumentation, and benthic boundary layer stress; numerous technical reports.
Owner of 1 patent.
EDUCATION: B.A., Swarthmore College, 1962 Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1969

(Nobska Lighthouse, Woods Hole MA)